Drugless Therapy Camp
With the guidance, support and inspiration given by our Guru Dr P. S. LALITHA, few of our members of Reiki Centre of India who are located in and around Thiruvanmiyur have formed a small group called Drugless therapy camp group. The main objective of this group is to organise camps in various areas, inorder to create an awareness about Reiki and sujok accupressure and sujok accupuncture among the general public..
For the past 18 years ‘World Reiki Day’ is continuously celebrated every year with the objective of creating awareness of Reiki among the public.
Reiki Centre of India, creates Healers so that many healers, masters and grand masters can practise and spread the touch therapy globally.
Corporates are invited for awareness program to learn and practise Reiki for leading stress free life.
One day seminar is conducted every now and then in Chennai.
Free Healing camps are held in association with Lion's Club / Rotary Club / Punjab Youth Association, corporates,educational institutions as well
Several free Healing camps are conducted by the members of Reiki centre of India.
Members are visiting pediatric department of Adyar Cancer Institute once in a week for free healing.